Hearing Loss Warning Signs: Do You Have Hearing Loss?

Hearing Loss Warning Signs: Do You Have Hearing Loss?


If  you are wondering if you are living with hearing loss, check out our tips for spotting hearing loss warning signs and, ask yourself the following questions: Do people seem to mumble or speak too softly much of the time? Do family members get tired of repeating themselves while speaking with me? If so, consider getting your hearing health checked. If you reside in, or around the Rhode Island area, Physicians Hearing Solutions offers FREE hearing screenings annually to all patients, regardless of insurance coverage. Call (401) 921-0181 to schedule your free hearing screening today.

Once you have received a hearing screening or hearing test and you find out if you are living with untreated hearing loss, not all hope is lost. In fact, hearing aids can help — and hearing aids today are not your grandparent’s hearing devices! From sleek and stylish with Bluetooth connecting capabilities, to invisible in-the-ear technology, hearing aids have come a long way! It is, however, important to remember that hearing aids can only work with the hearing capabilities you have left. No matter how powerful, hearing aids cannot bring back the hearing your have lost. For this reason alone, staying on top of your own hearing health is vital for continued total body health as you age.

What hearing aids will do is help you hear sounds you previously had trouble detecting and processing. Hearing aids also help you keep up with all the conversations going on around you and continued good cognitive health.

How does your hearing loss impact your life?

According to Audiologist, Craig Newman, Ph.D., Vice Chair and Section Head of Allied Hearing, Speech, and Balance Services at Cleveland Clinic, “There are sometimes serious medical and psychological consequences of hearing loss if it isn’t managed early. Those with hearing loss often have a diminished spatial awareness, which could increase a person’s risk of falling.” In recent years, researchers with Johns Hopkins Medical Center have also connected reduced hearing capabilities with early on-set dementia and cognitive decline.

In addition to hearing loss being related to brain health, continued hearing loss also increases the risk of reduced awareness of what is going on around you and an increased risk of balance issues resulting in falls. Some people with hearing loss compensate by avoiding activities and social settings.

Hearing healthcare professionals suggest that hearing aids will keep you connected to family, friends and co-workers and allow you to participate in your favorite activities, while also keeping your brain healthy as you age.

Hearing Loss Warning Signs

The following are five warning signs of hearing loss. If you feel these describe your hearing capabilities, it is important to see a hearing healthcare professional today!

  1. You frequently think others are mumbling.

  2. Your often strain to hear someone speak.

  3. You ask people to repeat themselves, especially when you’re in a noisy setting, such as a restaurant, during family gatherings, or even on the phone.

  4. You dial up the volume on the TV, radio much louder than others in the room find comfortable.

  5. You have difficulty hearing at in public places, such as movie theaters, large social gatherings, etc.

If you answered yes to any of above-mentioned warning signs, it’s time to see a hearing healthcare professional, such as an Audiologist, Otolaryngologist (or ENT), or Hearing Instrument Specialist today.


How to Tell if Your Hearing Aids Need Repair


Good Hearing Health Supports Total Body Health