Understand Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can happen to anyone, regardless of age or sex. In some cases, it can happen suddenly to those overexposed to loud noises. In most cases, however, it happens slowly over a long period of time. Recognizing the symptoms of hearing loss is an important first step towards helping you get back to living a fuller, healthier life.

People with hearing loss wait an average of 7 years before seeking help.

Know the signs of hearing loss:

Do you have trouble understanding others in noisy environments?

Do you believe people sound as if they are mumbling?

Have you been told you speak too loudly?

Do you ask others to repeat what was said during a conversation?

Do you prefer the volume of the TV or radio louder than most people?

Do you experience ringing in the ears?

Do you find it difficult to hear when someone talks to you from behind?

Do you have difficulty hearing on the telephone?


Untreated hearing loss can put you at risk for:




》Social isolation 


Only 1 in 5 people who would benefit from a hearing aid actually uses one.

Get ahead of your hearing loss. Contact us and make an appointment with our specialists, today!